world observations

What are you Thankful For?


First things first Happy Thanksgiving friends and family! This has been one event filled year for us, and not all positive. But in the spirit of the Holiday I am thankful. I am still alive and able to make changes to my life, and I still have a family that loves me. So no matter how bad some of the events of this year have been I’m thankful.

I’m thankful for my gorgeous wife Devin, that I was lucky/blessed enough to marry this year on March 8th. This gorgeous woman has given me unconditional love, devotion, loyalty, and laughs once March 11, 2010 without fail. Never once has she let me down or gave me cause for concern. I love you booba!

Due to an unexpected death in the family we’ll be apart for the Holiday. I was given the task of writing to pass the time when I wasn’t working. I’m a writer/blogger/poet so usually if I have a spare moment words flow out of me for no reason whatsoever. But this week without her I’ve only been able to write 2 pages of my new fiction drama. Devin is my muse, and without her being near I lost my ability to focus on the task at hand. Words usually blend together in my mind and form this perfect mixture of poetry or fiction that I place on paper or on a word document with relative ease and speed. This week I’ve been at a snail’s pace. I’m lucky to have such am inspirational muse in my life to push me towards greatness. Thank you Devin!

With the world going to war with itself, kids being killed, and people committing more crimes than ever people don’t seem to be thankful for much anymore. The media has skipped being thankful altogether and shifted the calender to show only Halloween, Black Friday, and Christmas. The only reason for that is consumerism and greed in my opinion. It’s as if the world prefers we forget the togetherness, joy, and love we’re supposed to feel for each other and be thankful for.

I’m thankful for my loving family, amazing wife, and the life given to me. What are you Thankful for?

poetic Ice


I'm thankful for you baby


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