
Happy Halloween



The air was crisp and cool/
The climate of the fool/
Light diminishes rapidly
Kids chatter vapidly
Innocent souls wonder The streets/
Tricking the treats to earn sweets/
All exclaiming happy Halloween/
None the wiser to the macabre fiend/
Wander off into the night/
Stray farther away from the light/
Welcome the embrace of the night/
Lose you soul to its might/
Turn about and find that you are lost/
Feel the tendrils of darkness like burning frost/
Cry out for help in your fear/
Let me the first to tell you, no one is near/
“please please let me live”
Your soul is the only thing you have to give/
Too scared to offer, it will be stolen/
Ripped from your flesh with claws so swollen/
Swollen with lust for your soul/
Try to deny it and heads will roll/
You sought candy and a good time/
Now you…

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Why I’m selfish


I’m such a selfish lover/
I take what I want, blame my mother/
From the moment you entered my life/
You were destined to be my wife/
It was Leo’s kiss that brought life to the Libra Scale/
A passionate gesture that made my heart ser sail/
I’m addicted/
Without you I’m conflicted/
Each kiss is sweeter than honey/
Filling me with more wealth than money/
Leaving my lips numb with pleasure/
Body tingling with bliss beyond measure/
There is a burst of electricity behind your touch/
You make me crave you, need you, miss your touch/
Your soul is fire, but breathes tranquility/
In a world of Chaos you bring stability/
In a world that is false your love is true/
So how could I not be selfish with you?/
You are God’s gift, the best one ever/
My dear wife I’ll love you forever/

Poetic Ice


social media

Sometimes we get lost in the media

Consumed with the trends

All to make sure we have gossip for friends/


But what if we unplugged from the machine/

Let our brains have an opinion of there own/

Actually sit down ans indulge in the creative zone/


Sit and remember how to talk to people/

Bolster our interpersonal bond/

The thing as infants we held most fond/


Reach out and actually touch one another./

Making memories, nor making posts/

Before we lose our chance and are among the ghosts/


Poetic Ice
