

The greatest pleasure is to be near you/
But you’re much more than a dream come true/
You’re the fuel to my fire of life/
You are my own divine being, my wife/
A warrior of love stand in with me on life’s battleground/loo
Armed with a kiss that is beyond profound/
A kiss that heals your soul/
A kiss that makes me feel whole/
Incredible is a good word to describe you/
A woman of pure honesty, a trait belonging to few/
Beautiful like no other/
I want to spend life with you, make you a mother/
You my wife are pure love/
My divine love that keeps me above/
Above the struggles we endure on earth/
You love gave me a sense of self worth/
You’re a hero who used love to save me/
My sexy queen, you set me free/
You are the best part of my life/
I love you my gorgeous wife/

Poetic Ice

world observations

Things Vet Techs Don’t Like Vol. 8


Okay… Really? Just Really? Will this list stop? I doubt it. I thought this would be a quick venting mechanism and great practice writing. NOPE It’s my life now apparently. Let’s get the ball rolling…


Running Around Like A Chicken With My Head Cut Off

Veterinary medicine is a fast paced occupation. More often than not you are multitasking and running from place to place to assist your coworkers or the doctor in some way, all the while you are trying to aid your clients as well. We understand that. We’re prepared for that. We LOVE THAT! or else we wouldn’t be here. BUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!! If you’re the ONE client that comes in and decides you don’t want to tell us every thing you want up front, and would rather us drag your dog back and forth a million times then refer to the picture below please,


Don’t have an exam, go to the lobby, Then ask for a nail trim causing us to take your dog to the back and do it. Then ask for anal gland expression once that’s done, and then ask for an ear cleaning after that. You are burning bridges here quickly. Your tech on the case does in fact have MANY other things to do, and if you would have mentioned that upfront instead of hiding it like government secrets it all would have been done before your appointment ended…. Jeez.


Invasion of Personal Space

The fact that I have to post this infuriates me. Why do you feel that it is socially acceptable to invade mine or my doctor’s personal space. This isn’t a crowded night club, or a social mixer, it’s a Veterinary clinic. So when you decide that we must feel your breath, that isn’t always fresh, on our faces we feel… inclined to be enraged. Pissed even, and grossed the hell out. The vet and the tech should leave the room feeling like they helped you, not like they were forced into a threesome with some creep. It’s simple, DON’T TOUCH ME, DON’T BREATH ON ME, DON’T ASSIST ME WITH RESTRAINT UNLESS I REQUEST IT, DON’T TOUCH MY VETERINARIAN, DON’T PAT HIM/HER, DON’T WHISPER TO US IN HUSHED TONES AND GET ODDLY CLOSE TO US, AND LASTLY, BACK THE HELL UP!!!!



I guess you want to know what that stands for. Well don’t worry, Mr. Poetic Ice will tell you. W.A.C.K. stands for Weird Ass Crazy Kids. Some humans are blessed with kids. Some humans are blessed to not have them, and then there are those inept jackasses that have given birth to these Weird Ass Crazy Kids that spend their young lives following Satan’s word and spreading chaos and destruction. These demons don’t know how to control their voice levels, don’t sit down, touch EVERYTHING, attempt to pet the animal during examinations and vaccinations, ask 100,675 questions, and possibly color on your chairs in the exam room all before they leave. Some would say that’s just part of being a kid, but I don’t recall worshiping the Dark Lord in my youth. We aren’t really mad at the kids, it’s the parents that act like nothing is going on. Did you not see little Michael destroy a bag of dog treats? What about Susie that keeps slapping the cat? Okay, fine, I’ll pray for you since you’re already a prisoner in your own home to little Hitler.



I seriously wish your pants would catch on fire, or your nose would mutate and grow into some sick mass tumor on you face. Why would you feel compelled to lie on anyone about your pet!? Whether its simple lies of omission when the tech is asking questions and you don’t mention something, but you’ll tell the doctor. Or it’s full on you lying saying we did something to harm or endanger your pet intentionally, it doesn’t matter. Why the fuck would you lie on us or to us? Our job is to help you and your pet and you would go out of your way to lie on us? Is this some sick cry for attention? A need for drama? Whatever your reasoning is, we don’t appreciate it. We hate it. If it wasn’t so ungodly we’d hate you, but we’re not like that. We’re Veterinary professionals, and we’ll use logic, and science to combat your lies. We know the truth, and we stand by it, you won’t make us falter or bend to your will.


Well that’s my two cents for right now, thanks for reading thus far. Do you have something that irks you in the Vet world? Let me know

Poetic Ice


Anxiety Attack


Unconscious, sleep/
Lost in a dream deep/
Images, vivid/
All induce rage, Make you livid/
Pressure, chest/
Demons put its integrity to the test/
Soul, drain/
As your essence is consumed you feel pain/
Cognitive, anxiety/
Rapid breaths, falling tears, but no help from society/
Help, None/
Without aid in this land of no sun/
Life, Hack/
Demons have decoded you and you’re under attack/
Fear, immense/
Your adrenaline pumps as your throat closes, intense/
Degenerating, health
You’re starting to go black, losing since of self/
Enemy, Fed/
Sated on your life force leaving you dead/
Sun, Bright/
You awake, soul bombarded with light/
Cough, Hack/
No clue why, but you just survived a slumbering anxiety attack/

Poetic Ice




Angel Sweet Angel

Angel sweet angel

your love will remain with me forever

you’ve returned home but our ties did not sever

I can feel you looking down from above

with tears in my eyes, I’m still happy to have known your love

My angel sweet angel

The lord has recalled one of his best

you deserve this blissful rest

This hurt will pass, another of life’s rain

happily flap your wings knowing we’ll overcome this pain

My angel sweet angel

Just know you’ll forever be missed

because of your presence the Heaven’s have been kissed

I’m glad your soul is now with God and pain free

You’ll forever be loved and missed auntie…




Wedding Ring

The Mysticisms of the never ending circle amazes me

Yet the unyielding power of that wedding ring is easy to see

The ring, its power so profound

With this ring I bid thee spellbound

It has to be the magic of love to one moment make you weightless

Then sap all your strength and make you breathless

When you’re apart there is no weight greater than this ring

When together there is no harm to you anyone can bring

The love behind the ring will make you numb to pain

It will help you find the joy in the rain

It’s pure power behind this small circular ting

There is truly mysticism behind the wedding ring.




See all those people I encounter from 9-5 only know Lee

They don’t know that knowing Tavious may come with a fee

Tavious is that one guy you aren’t really ready to see

But sometimes you motherfu- won’t let me be

 Tavious wears Lee’s Halo, but flies with black wings

With a mere utterance I could cripple kings

Yet I have to put up with all that your attitude and you bitching about things?

Can you even comprehend the rage that brings?

 Lee will smile, but Tavious craves to punch you in the face

It’s just what you need to remind you that you don’t run this place

You’re nothing more than a phallic-less disgrace

You’ve rallied the monster and my sanity can’t keep pace

 Simply put, fuck you

My world would have been better without you

This will be the last time Lee will cede to you

Because next time Tavious will burn the world down around you


You’ve been warned,

Poetic Ice


world observations

Things Vet Techs Don’t Like 7

Ladies and gents, it’s that time again for Things Vet Techs Don’t Like. One might say we have a anger issue at this point. We might say shove it but I’ll that’s not nice, and all vet techs are great at customer service… which is why we have unrivaled rage at times lol.



Okay first off let me start off by saying there is no reason to knowingly go poison another person’s pet out of pure malice. If a person’s dog/cat is bothering you in some way then talk to the owner about it. If that does nothing call the authorities. DO NOT FUCKING POISON SOMEONE ELSES FAMILY MEMBER!!! To a vet tech that’s like you poisoning someone’s kid. We view it the same. what the fuck are you thinking? You’re thinking I’ll show that bastard and his dog! Yeah here’s some rat poison!!! But what you think is a quick painless death and a solution to your problem, is actually not. It’s a long painful agonizing process that with the proper tests and medication can be fixed. Also if there is any indication of poisoning there is a chance your sorry ass is going to jail. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!????? Go ahead I’m waiting tell me… why? Hmmm? Oh Fido wouldn’t stop barking at your princess fluffy paws. The same Fluffy paws who usually barks first or is just playing with Fido, but you think because Fido is a mastiff it want’s to kill your poodle. News flash my idiotic human friend, Dogs Bark to communicate! There is no need to poison them for it.


The Play now Pay Later Mentality

I don’t know about what happens at your local vet office, Your mechanic, your doctor’s office, or any other business you seek services from, but in my experience when you have a service rendered to you it is to be paid for right then and there. If said business has a payment plan system set up, or lines of credit that’s different, but I’m not discussing those. I’m talking at the clinic I’m used to, Payment is due at time of service. This simple concept is some how, some way being forgotten or is just tooooooooo mysterious to be comprehended by some. “I’ll just have my (insert random person here) come by and pay for it later. I’m going to be taking my medications now though.” NO, NO YOU ARE NOT TAKING YOUR MEDICATIONS, and you’re either paying for this now or having a conversation in your near future with local law enforcement. You do understand leaving an establishment after service has been rendered without paying is theft right? You stole the staff’s time, and opportunity to help someone else and make money. Yes it is a veterinary clinic, but it is still a business that makes it’s money through the helping of others. SERVICE IS OUR PRODUCT, AND YOU’RE TRYING TO STEAL IT!!! We don’t want your IOU’s, we want you to conduct yourself like a normal damn adult and pay for what you want done at the time that you have it done. Mommy’s not supposed to run and clean up your messes all the time. (Always ask what a service cost before you have it done. It’s not a shameful thing to gather information people).

I know this one was kind of short, but the list is ever growing. What pisses you off? Let me know and I’ll blog it! In the mean time check out the other entries in this series.

Volume 1: https://poeticice.com/2014/09/17/things-vet-techs-dont-like/

Volume 2: https://poeticice.com/2014/09/23/things-vet-techs-dont-like-round-2/

Volume 3: https://poeticice.com/2014/11/08/things-vet-techs-dont-like-vol-3/

Volume 4: https://poeticice.com/2014/11/10/things-vet-techs-dont-like-4/

Volume 5: https://poeticice.com/2014/11/28/things-vet-techs-dont-like-vol-5/

Volume 6: https://poeticice.com/2014/12/24/things-vet-techs-dont-like-vol-6/


Writing junkie

Mental engine turned on/
My pen is a blur, so gone/
My thoughts are coming alive/
The creativity of my soul is in overdrive/
My pen will bring about a new world’s birth/
Where my intellect alone will determine its worth/
Will there be peace or situations dire/
Lush green fields or cities of fire/
To write is to become a lyrical God/
A chains to stave off tyranny the likes of general Zod/
I feel it, the it burns up my soul/
Just making it all the more easy to write a junkies role/
It would be a crime to take away my pen/
Equated to a soul slandering sin/
It’s time, time to create/
When I’ll stop is not up for debate/
I don’t know who is in control/
Who is the poet, and who has the pen’s role/
I’m a slave to the passion of writing/
Take me away then, I’m not fighting/
Away to create, It’s something I must do/
It’s the easiest way for me to stay true/

Poetic ice
