
Forever Wrong

I walk the wrong path

Or rather I’m am wrong on my path

Every step I make begets another’s wrath

I am always reminded that I’m wrong

At this point this haunting tune is my song

A them rife with a game show error gong

Just fucking once I’d like to hear “Good job!”

But nope, they’ll never appreciate this blob

At this point I don’t even sob

Forever is my destiny to be one who fails

The guy trying go forward with holes in my sails

The one who is swallowed by the gales

This is my sad familiar song

The one that’s been playing so long

The ballad of one who is forever wrong

-Pietic Ice


A letter….

If I wrote you a suicide letter would you reply?

If I let my ink run out, would you let it dry?

Do I have to leave you bereft?

Just to summon the person who left.

Urging the comeback of the man I was

A person who had confidence in all he does

Now I’m adrift in a dark sea

Suffocating in the thought of me

I hate myself, and I’m to blame

Pretty sure I’m clinically insane

Emotions buried down, heart stopping

My two kids, the only thing keeping me from dropping/

I’m constantly climbing out of an insurmountable hole/

Shedding layers of my soul

It would be easier to cease all breath

Welcome the cold embrace of death

They say get hobbies and time will heal

But I have no hobbies, and it hurts to feel

Every second of every day is pain

I crave relief, but my kids make me refrain

But how long will that win?

What can stop this immoral sin?

Maybe I’ll try to talk, write a letter.

Maybe if I vomit words I’ll feel better.

Take a blade to my wrists let the ink flow

Let’s give miracle prose a go.

I’m writing you a suicide letter, will you reply?

But my ink is running out, will you let it dry?

-Poetic Ice


Happy boy, Sad man

My sweet spring bore a bitter winter

But I can’t recall where my life began to splinter/

I was loved, was the happiest of progeny

Now it seems I’m employed by the depression agency/

This surely wasn’t my life’s plan…

Happy boy, Sad man….

My fragrant breeze of spring beget a pungent gale of winter/

But when did my smile burn to cinders?

I had the entire world, in control of its motion

Now I don’t even master my emotion

Disheartened, broken head of my clan,

The Happy Boy, and Sad Man

-Poetic Ice

Journey To Parenthood, Poetry

New Arrivals

I am anxious to meet you
My young black queen
My heart flutters for you
Awaiting your arrival on the scene
My little Hemingway Girl born of Me
Just thinking of it makes me cheese!
Truly your reign will be one to see!
I already know I’m going to bend how you please
I just can’t wait to hold you
Already loving you so much
I am so anxious to meet you
I can’t wait for you to know your Daddy’s touch


Intrusive Thoughts

Be quiet, Hide under the covers, Don’t wake!

Shun the light and Don’t heed the voices, They’re Fake!

Push through the pain as your brain rots

Face the mirror backwards to hide from the Intrusive Thoughts

That reflection isn’t you, just because it has your face

it’s intrusive thoughts coming to take your place

Sneering in the inverse beckoning the sin

The depression is starting to manifest, Darkness covets a win

The intrusive thoughts are getting too heavy to lift

Chemicals are waning i’m starting to feel a shift

Becoming forgetful now, forgetting my life’s role

Intrusive thoughts are devouring my soul

So be quiet, get lost in a dream, Don’t wake!

Run from the light, fear the voices, they’re fake!

Endure the sepsis of soul as your brain rots

Face the mirror backwards to hide from the Intrusive Thoughts…

-Poetic Ice


My Black Rose

My beautiful melanated rose

Each thorn contains a different facet of my prose

Entire worlds fall from each prominent promising petal like dew

Roots dug deep and searching to entangle and enrich hearts anew

Stretching towards the sun trying to seize each day

Fighting hard not to wither away

Life happens, Dew dries, and petals fall

life’s parasites tear at the roots and begin to gnaw

Roots snap, the will of the stem starts to bend

Ebony petals adorn the earth

growing crisp as they forget their worth

worlds grew dark as the dew dried

life happened and the black rose died

The creative energy is ravenous and will always generate a need

The black rose will sprout again, as life destroys, it has also provided a seed

-Poetic Ice


Farewell 2021, Welcome 2022

Two thousand twenty one A.D.

Ripped, tore, tarnished and burned every part of me/

Lawful crime, politics, and pandemics

All harmed our souls with their gimmicks

2021 is a bitch I want to cast away

Bring in 2022 for a welcome stay!

21 was rife with death, stench foul

With so many tears soaked in I couldn’t throw in the towel

It was too heavy like my heart

Dazed and confused I didn’t know where to start/

But come the first you’re dead to me 21

Wish I could say it’s been fun

I’m jumping into 2022

Emotional pounds? Yeah I’m shedding a few

I’m leaving you behind, stuck in the view rear!

Be blessed world, Happy New Year!

-Poetic Ice


Questioning Faith

Questioning Faith

Words absolute from a God unseen

Still reaping punishment from Adam and his queen

We are to blindly trust the voice in the wind

Even though it let the Devil fill it with Sin

Lucifer Morningstar tainted the air so mean

Exhaling death caused by COVID-19

Prayers go up

Clogging up Deaf Deity Ears

Time to change tactics, fueled by fears

It is obvious, but God have you gone insane?

Or was it just fun to hand Samael the reigns

I am probably doomed because I have this gall 

But I see it is time for a house call

Wrist slit, knock knock

I come before you today to bare my all

Ready to bum rush every angel and make them fall/

I want to hear it with these ears I own

As I drop to my knees before your throne

Angered by this blissful silver city up high

Crying you took my family, but Why?

The pain in my heart

Every single time I now draw breath

I am constantly reminded of a loved one’s death

But you will not answer me, will you?

Your words are reserved for very few?

Have your seraphim cast me into hell

Because the moment you stole my loved ones, I already fell


I Can’t Breathe

I can’t breathe

And I haven’t been breathing for years

I’m too choked up on tears

Or was it actually fears?

I can’t breathe

Garner couldn’t gather his breath in 2014

It was that cops job to suffocate on scene

He was protecting and serving like a heartless machine

I can’t breathe

Neither can Breonna Taylor after a misplaced raid

For innocently resting after EMT work a price was paid

Shot 8 times causing her light to fade

I can’t fucking breath

Ultimate action for non violent crimes

Cops choked out George Floyd as he lay their confined

Joining the pantheon of those murdered in these times

I can’t breathe

When it’s okay to kneel on black America’s neck

But lord willing we must keep Kapernick’s knee in check!

How dare he stand for equal respect

I can’t breath

Because I’ve lost count of the cases

So many situations so many places

Just to breath while black sours their faces

I can’t breathe

Because I was sentenced at birth

My melanin determined my worth

Just who are you to judge me on Earth?

I can’t breathe

because I have to teach my son to hold his tongue and hold his breath

One wrong word could mean his death

But even when he complies his life could be stolen by racist theft

I can’t breathe

Because black America doesn’t know whether to vote or fight

Either could. cause execution on sight

But am I supposed to live in fright?

I can’t breath

The hands of racism threaten my life

Where their could be unity they cause only strife

This is the reality of the black man, always under the knife

I can’t breathe

-Poetic Ice

the spoken word form of this can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpwQdzihmw4


Words to him as time goes on

It’s been 2 years

I still have moments where I have to dry my tears

So many things are different in my space

Everyday I see you in my face

You are my Hero, that is true

I try to emulate, even growing my hair like you

Just to let you know our family name isn’t done

I’m sure you know, but I’m having a son!

I’ve tried to live strong

Make you proud, not do your name wrong

It’s been hard as hell without you

I have so many questions

At this point Dad I’ll take any suggestions

You taught me so many things

Like how to find music that makes my heart sing

But you didn’t teach me how to move ahead without you

We hurt so much without you

But I stand strong, I hear your voice

I hear you saying I have no choice

So I live right with no regret

Taking down every threat

When you left us it took away my breath

But I won’t be sad on the day of your death

This day was not your End

Just the beginning of flight without Sin

I miss you so so much Dad

You’ve made me strong so life isn’t all bad

Thank you…. I miss you….

Poetic Ice
