
Happy Halloween


The air was crisp and cool/
The climate of the fool/
Light diminishes rapidly
Kids chatter vapidly
Innocent souls wonder The streets/
Tricking the treats to earn sweets/
All exclaiming happy Halloween/
None the wiser to the macabre fiend/
Wander off into the night/
Stray farther away from the light/
Welcome the embrace of the night/
Lose you soul to its might/
Turn about and find that you are lost/
Feel the tendrils of darkness like burning frost/
Cry out for help in your fear/
Let me the first to tell you, no one is near/
“please please let me live”
Your soul is the only thing you have to give/
Too scared to offer, it will be stolen/
Ripped from your flesh with claws so swollen/
Swollen with lust for your soul/
Try to deny it and heads will roll/
You sought candy and a good time/
Now you lay lifeless covered in dirt and grime/
Bleed out slow, a victory for the fiend/
Looks like yet again it’s a Happy Halloween

Poetic Ice

world observations

Flag On The Play


I live in the south eastern part of the United States of America. That pretty much means my food is preferred fried, Grits applies to breakfast and women (Girls Raised In The South), and Friday night Football is second only to religion. With that said that would make the coaches the spiritual leaders of the cities and the children under their tutelage. These children look to their coach’s for tactical advice on the green battlefield as well as inspirations for their daily lives. For a lot of boys these coaches become another parental figure that they could talk to no matter what. Sadly they may be the only person that the child ever gets the push to succeed from. Coachs more often than not should be synonymous with motivator.

Unless one of them says a potentially detrimental comment to one of his players. Then he’s not a coach, he’s a hindrance to that child’s growth and future. A mockery of the title. Today I found out that one of my very gifted younger cousins was signing up for the Educational Talent Search (ETS) program. That made me smile, because in too was a part of that program and it benefited me so much. Naturally you would think that any school official or coach would encourage this. But not one coach in particular at Conway High School in Conway, South Carolina.


As my cousin signed the dotted line on his application this coach decided to say to him “I Don’t know why you signed up for that, you aren’t going to college. You’re going to jail.” go ahead read that again for yourself and let that sink in. Is that something for anyone to say to a child? Is that something for a coach to say to his player? A teacher to a student? Especially a student signing up for a program to better himself?

Flag On the play!
This man has no real clue what kind of profound effect he could have had on him or any other child he’s said comments like that to. What if the child who looks up to him believes that there is no other option for them? What if they only had a support system at school, and now that trust and support was stripped with that comment? He very well could have sent the child down a slippery slope with those deadly comments.

Word got back to our family and his parents were notified of this during the game tonight. His father, now enraged, pulled his son from the team during the half. With a little consoling he let his son continue playing because it would be wrong to punish the child for the ignorance if an adult. After the game the parents met with the coaches and the Athletic Director to discuss what to do about such a comment being said by a coach. The coach in question tried to play it as a joke taken out of context. I want to know what context am I supposed to take “You’re going to jail” in. It’s straightforward and not a joke in anyway. If it was supposed to be, it wasn’t funny. Especially not to an African America young man and his family. We’re all to aware of the amount people from our race that overrun our prisons. We don’t need coaches that sentence our youth to jail instead of encourage them to succeed.

The more infuriating part is how the Athletic director. Was. Trying to down play the situation as a joke like he would use on his kids. His examples “I bet he can outrun you.” or “I bet you can’t catch him” saying things like that as playful jokes and saying “You’re going to jail” are two different things. The director Was starting to get upset at the fact that the parents didn’t find humor in this and weren’t leaving. He began huffing and puffing for someone to get them “out of his building”. Seriously? He was upset and on the defensive as if he said the comment himself, and mad that they wouldn’t just sweep this under the rug. Once all the huffing was done and the demands for disciplinary action be taken were made it was decided that a Meeting would be had tomorrow to decide what actions to take. I don’t know where this will go, but I on behalf of my cousin was offended by the comment and trust the right actions will be taken. I pray for it.

How would you feel if someone told your child that they weren’t going to college, and that’s they were going to jail? Let me know what you think because I’m pissed about it. But that’s just my two cents. Go Tigers.

Poetic Ice

world observations

A handout for pet owners: Understanding Ebola

A lot of people are growing concerned with Ebola and it reaching our borders. Arming yourselves with knowledge is the best thing to do. Being a Veterinary technician I encounter people who are concerned about their pets also being carriers or transmitting it, so I found this handout to help educate. Follow the link below to read the handout that the CDC put out.

A handout for pet owners: Understanding Ebola.

How you can’t get Ebola

  • Ebola is not airborne
  • Can’t contract it through water
  • Can’t contract it through food

How you CAN Get Ebola via

  • Touching the blood or body fluids of one sick or has died from the disease
  • Touching contaminated objects such as needles
  • touching infected animals, their blood and body fluids, eating their meat

Knowledge is Power

Poetic Ice

world observations

Are you Afraid?


Fear is defined as a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

Its a feeling that can give you such a thrilling adrenaline rush or cripple you down to a paralyzed state covered in your own bodily fluid. Fear itself is becoming a concept more exploited in the media for movies, but it’s being run down into the hole. When was the last time you saw a horror movie that actually scared you? Go ahead think about it, I’ll wait for you to get answer. Horror movies are losing their magic. The last film I saw in the genre was Annabelle and it was a waste of time and money. The entire plot was predictable and nothing really scary even happened. The acting was typical for a horror movie, everyone is making idiotic decisions and doing random yelling. I’m sure these actors/actresses get hoarse during filming. The only thing about most modern horror films is the rand extreme increase in volume during certain scenes to emphasize what’s happening. The sound is startling but nothing to fear.


A phobia is an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object or situation that poses little real danger but provokes anxiety and avoidance.

That’s something that’s slightly different. If you have a phobia it WILL take you by the heart with its icy fingers and send frost through your veins and strip you of your common sense. Irrationality becomes your new friend as you strive to either flea what has induced your phobia or die trying. Phobias take work to overcome if one can, but most just avoid their stimulus altogether. Do you have a phobia? Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns. Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Thats just naming a few common ones. These stimulus will take over your very soul gripping you with fear. True fear like no other and not like these pathetic horror movies. I have a hate for clowns, a fear, a phobia. Do you? It’s perfectly normal for one to fear something. It’s normal for one to get a thrill out of it. It’s also normal for one to fear being scared. Are you afraid?

Poetic Ice

world observations

Shit My Wife Says Vol. 2

This wonderfully gorgeous woman I get to call my wife honestly makes me think. I have an understanding of het on the molecular level. But sometimes those particles get accelerated and I end up saying “What. The. F**K?” AND we end up laughing beyond belief.

1. Why won’t you lett me get the butt?
My wife and I need a new bed. It now causes us minute or major aches and pains depending on how we sleep. Today was a major pain day for her. She had to take pain medication to pacify her body. My wife can’t handle pain medication. She will say outlandish things that just makes you want to hold her til she falls asleep. Today was no different. Randomly as we lay she just says “Why don’t you let me get the butt?” then starts giggling like a toddler. Before I could even say WTF? She asked me to tell her what she said because she had no clue. Now we’re both laughing like fools. Seriously? How do drugs just induce that kind of thought process lol?

world observations

Gundams are Coming!


As the article linked above states, The Gundams are coming! I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve been a fan of the Gundam franchise since Gundam Wing was broadcast as part of Toonami on Cartoon Network in the early 2000’s.

I loved the story behind that series, and I’m really glad I get to see the beginning of the Mobile Suit Gundam in all its glory. It was the Pioneer in mecha anime in my opinion and I think it’s a great idea for a new generation to see it. Some of my fave series were G Gundam, Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, Gundam 0080, and Gundam 00. What about you?


poetic ice
the first dvds should be out early next year

world observations

Shit My Wife Says vol. 1

When you’re lucky enough to find someone to marry that loves you unconditionally you spend a lot of time with them. Eventually they say some things that honestly make you say ” What The F**k?” but in a sweet innocent confused way.

1. Your Lips Feel Good Between My Teeth
My wife randomly on our drive home said I want to bite your lips. Out of no where my wife becomes carnivorous and laughs. I ask why and she says “your lips feel good between my teeth”. Apparently its because of her love of my lips, but it took a different turn.

2. I Just Wanna Hit The Bird
My wife and I had lunch together and we passed a Canadian goose sitting peacefully in the shade. Minding his own business. This woman I love just decrees “I just wanna hit him. I want to hit the bird” I asked why with a laugh and her reason was that “He was too peaceful”.

3. Have you eaten at olive garden before
This one really threw me for a loop. Its normal for someone to ask a question like that, unless your are one of us. See, this question mind raped me for a moment because MY WIFE asked me have I been to Olive Garden, and that’s where I proposed to her lol. What she meant to ask was did I like Olive Garden enough to go back to it. We laughed a long time after that.

4. That’s some Strong ass Water
At said Olive Garden we had water with our delicious meal and apparently the water had a slightly different taste. She sipped and said “That’s some Strong Ass Water”. I was lost for a second as I tried to figure out how much our water glasses could bench press. I asked what that meant and sipped her water. Hers did have a different taste, maybe the lemon was tart.

I love this woman more than life. I’d give my all for her, move mountains, walk through flames, and take down mobs if necessary. But we have crazy conversations lol.

I’m sure more is to come

-Poetic Ice


On our Honeymoon in Nassau

Original Stories

My Book, Sacred Swords

My novel Sacred Swords is available for purchase via Amazon today. Its an easy read set in a fictional version of our world where good, evil, are personified by beings of great power and wonder. The two chosen descendants of God’s must learn to master their powers and their swords if they are to save the world from darkness and sin personified. Please read the sample on Amazon
