We're On YouTube

My Wife Got Revenge, with a Prank

My wife got vengeance on me with a cruel prank. She freaking tried to drown me and turn me into a human biscuit! I knew it was coming but darn it!!! she has this love of water and flour and she combined the two yet again! Check out the video here and laugh. Just wait… I will have my revenge for her revenge!!!!!

We're On YouTube

Pulling a prank on your wife is bad for your health!

Earlier this week I took a walk in the wild side and pulled a prank on my wife. If you’ve been following our YouTube journey you know that my wife has pulled pranks on me in the past. Well I finally got the nerve to prank her back! I actually did it and managed to survive lol.  I’m sure she is going to kill me as soon as possible. Check out our Youtube video here!!!

world observations

Politics in America: Desensitized yet Overly Sensitive


For the past ten years of my life I’ve been paying attention to American politics and the response people have to the people in positions of power. It started when my mentor at my college, Senator Maggie Glover, took me under her wing and started to guide to academic greatness. Through her she ensured that as many of her students as possible had the chance to meet Senator Barack Obama as he was touring and gathering support for his first election. It was awesome to meet someone who made history. At the same time he turned this nation on it’s head in disbelief. From that point on I really started to take note of peoples behaviors and words.

After Obama’s election I had a few teachers, at an HBCU, Not show up to work for a few days. These teachers advocated for the opposition. I was young, but I was never naive enough to think that it was just because they were republican born and bred. They were opposed to an African American being in the greatest seat of power in this nation. Since they needed a job, they danced around how they spoke about him, eventually choosing to not speak about him at all. When you locked eyes with him though you could still see the rage and disgust though.

Fast forward to 2018 and the world has literally gone to shit as some would say. This is because people have become Desensitized yet overly sensitive about civil, moral, and political subject matter. It seems the art of debate has been lost, and the act of having screaming matches has taken over.


The Desensitization has come about in my opinion due to the explosion of social media. Now everyone and their mother can rant and rave about what they don’t like and find thousands of followers who believe the same. Social media has done wonders for giving the masses a voice and a platform to SCREAM OUT LOUD about how they feel. Now we have entire Facebook and Twitter pages dedicated to opinions, whether they be laced with facts or not.

Now this platform has been turned volatile at this point, and it gets worse because every single day an act of violence, murder, hate crime, racism, prejudice, etc gets shared on there multiple times. After seeing that much pain, suffering, and just immoral behavior constantly the masses get desensitized to it. It is almost expected now every time one logs into their social media accounts.

That is a little broad so lets dig a bit deeper. Now the members of a race/ethnicity/sexual preference will be constantly shown negative acts towards them and subconscious accept that this is their world. On the other side of that people see that happen all the time and accept that it is happening to them constantly so it must be their fault, since they aren’t like me. Surely, they have done something to deserve this. Now this breeds a culture of people who just don’t care when injustice happens. We just keep on scrolling. (I don’t mean all people are like this, but we are starting to see more and more people who are.) 


Overly Sensitive 

This is a category of people we all know too well. Its the people who instantly take whatever you post about and tell you that your are wrong for posting it or hurting their feelings for it. Every act the world does is an act against them. Have you noticed that they only feel this way if their beliefs are infringed upon though? They become charged if what they view as right is spoken ill of.  Now lets take into account what I said earlier about being desensitized to certain things they see, and it gives you the full scope of the people we have to deal with on the regular.

These people won’t bat an eye at something that doesn’t directly pertain to them or mock the values that they hold dear. The moment you say anything to them, or just post something on social media that goes against what they believe they will cry out as a victim and retaliate. In recent times, we all can agree that most of these fires are started when peoples political, racial, or civil rights views are in question. People fight for their political parties all the time. We all it bickering, they call it congress. At the same time people will always stand and fight for Racial equality, but the other side of the coin is people fighting for racial injustice. You’re naive if you don’t see that.

Its just taxing as hell to deal with in our daily lives. On a personal level its hard to walk around with all my views and passions and have to keep them bottled up because I have to be strong, or I don’t want the atmosphere around me to be charged. I have to keep my mouth shut so I’m not stereotyped as the Angry Black Man, or the Woke Negro. I don’t claim to be either, I’m just aware of the world around me. After a while I will break and say something openly about how I feel on a situation. Once I do it will be backed with facts and said in a none aggressive way, but even that is seen as an attack and a battle will erupt. That is the part that kills me, that’s why I’m writing this now. Politics and other things have turned Americans into Desensitized yet overly sensitive beings of emotions. Those emotions are usually rage served up with a sizable dose of judgment.

I honestly don’t know if anything can be done for us as a nation. We’re encouraged to have opinions, but apparently it better be the “Right” opinion or you’ll be condemned for it. I have to walk around devoid of most emotions, play the part of the smile with sarcasm just to cope with the world. With the way that the world is set up if I do much more than that I’m frowned upon and told that I’m a problem. But am I really? Or is what I have to say just different from what you believe, so you’re lashing out at me? Think on that…

-Poetic Ice


Get This Work (NSFW)

NSFW: Not Safe For Work. If you wouldn’t want your boss reading this over your shoulder read it alone. (Honestly, this is mild, its a warning of whats coming down the pipeline, Enjoy)


Come here girl get this work

Work on this dick, show me that twerk

I’m not being nice I wanna crash then walls

I need the sound of moaning all through the halls

I’m gonna work until you cum, don’t you fret

I’m bout to slide all through your wet

I can’t wait to give you every piece

I’m gonna beat that thing numb, enjoy your sexual feast


Poetic Ice


Honestly just flexing my poetry muscles here, and please believe more to come.




I need you hooked on me

Licking your lips when you think of me

Craving my touch on your soul

Needing me to fill you to make you whole

I’m your heroin coursing through your veins

Give yourself to me, let me take the reins

Let me deep into you, numbing you like novocaine

Giving you them good sweet tea kisses when you ride that sugar cane

Your love is too good I had to trap you

Every chance I get, I’m going to hit your spot and burst through

There is no need for you to feel conflicted

When it comes to me, you’re addicted


Poetic Ice

We're On YouTube

Kingdom Hearts 3 Comes out in 2019

I’m so stoked that this game got another trailer! I’m even more so glad that this Pre- E3 trailer shows the release date is January 29, 2019!!!

You know I screamed a bit internally right after being promised that 2018 was the year for glory. But I’m glad we had a date! Check out my reaction to the new trailer here! Kingdom Hearts 3 E3 2018 Trailer Reaction

-Poetic Ice

We're On YouTube

Do You Watch YouTube?

At the end of 2016 we started a YouTube channel, at the time titled DL vibes. We embarked on your journey as YouTube Creators to bring laughter and fun to a dismal world and enjoy ourselves doing it. It’s been a hard journey honestly. Technical difficulties, trying to garner subscribers, and coming up with video ideas were just a few of our hang ups. We still wouldn’t change any part of it. We have had so much fun that it outweighs the bad.

The Hemingways

The love of my life, my reason for living

Fast forward a few hundred subscribers and a name change later we’ve started our own little series titled, Married Couple Chronicles. It’s our show dedicated to offering relationship survival tips in a comedic way. This has been the most fun and we plan on doing so much more with it. Please go and check it out by clicking the link above!


If Mukbang (eating shows) are more your speed don’t worry we have those too. This is a concept that has my wife and I thoroughly enthralled so we decided to take our chance with it too! These are fun videos of us just having fun and sharing stories whilst we try to conquer some amazing meal. Check us out and see if we can win the Man Vs. Food Battle! See our Mukbang videos here!!!

Thanks in advance for Subscribing! See you on the channel Fam!

-Poetic Ice

We're On YouTube

Do you wanna laugh?

Happy June Family!

How have you been enjoying the month so far? Ours has been good. If you’ve already subscribed to our YouTube channel then you know we put out a new Reaction video on Friday. Check it out here: GotDamn Zo Reaction Video.

I hope you check out the video asap. We enjoy shooting YouTube videos and sharing our joy with you. This one in particular is us cracking up while watching another YouTuber. He will have your sides hurting! Join us and watch!




I Will Smile

It’s so easy to focus on loss

I lost my dad

I lost a year of my time

I lost my writer’s soul

so many battles where I left my heart on the burning coal

its harder to revive

and proclaim to the world that “I’m alive”

I’ve evolved into a different being

became a happier soul, it’s freeing

I have not forgotten all that I’ve lost

Nor will i forget what it cost

but from now on I will smile

and truly experience joy on my life’s next mile

-Poetic Ice

