
Raw Power

Ever wake up and felt like you had undeniable raw power?

Like you could reshape the world around you within the hour?

Okay maybe not on such a grand scale.

But why not casually hold the power to throw a blue whale?

Is this the power to control the world’s very elements?

Or with a simple touch cure all earthly ailments.

Ok its not that, but this feeling isn’t a coindence.

Its something better, God given Self-Confidence.

A feeling of immense power from within thy self.

A power that should be used, its part of your wealth.

Look in the mirror smiling, and bring yourself to prominence.

Always take pride in you, exude your Self-Confidence.


-Poetic Ice

Poetry, world observations

Power, Corruption, Cruelty

First, the poem titled Corrupt.

The corrupt create causes of cruelty/
That are heinous hurtful and harmful/
To your serenity, sanctuary, and soul/
But why? Why must they hold this control?/
To the core it is a primal need/
This dark tendencies are a beast ready to feed/
True evil is a man corrupting his seed/
Changing the flower to a parasitic weed/
Using children to spread your wrath/
It’s a disgust unlike anything hell hath/
The destruction of happy homes from the inside out/
The breakage of hearts, letting the love pour out/
An adult with selfish behavior/
Creating the image of a false saviour/
No rhyme or reason why the evil exists/
But said no matter if detained or not, it will persist/
The corrupt create causes of cruelty…….

Now, the discussion about the subject matter at hand based on a personal experience. Power, it has the ability to corrupt. Once a person has it they feel the need to be in complete and utter control of the world around them. When they lose their grip on that power they turn cruel if they aren’t already. It is something that is sad and frightening once it goes that route.

A man using underhanded tricks to maintain his power is already wrong. But a man using his kids as a show of power to destroy a good thing just because he has no power over it anymore is just evil. Evil in its purest form to me is the manipulation of children’s innocence to do wrong.

I watched a young child ripped from a happy home that they didn’t want to leave because their sibling was manipulated to believe that someone was doing them wrong. Even though said person has done nothing but sacrifice to ensure their survival and happiness. The younger sibling has been torn between sibling loyalty and finding their own path in life. The older has lost their own identity to their fathers will/need to control all life around him at the cost of everyone’s joy. A heinous act that was a plan that was in the works for months that came to a head like a tactical nuke going off at a dynamite factory. They only reason any of the heartache and pain they went through happened is because that man lost all power, so he exuded cruelty to make everyone around him just as miserable.

I know power doesn’t always corrupt and lead to cruelty, but when it does no one is happy in the end. That’s just my observation of the world around me.

So does power equal cruelty? What’s your opinion.

– Poetic Ice
