
I Can’t Breathe

I can’t breathe

And I haven’t been breathing for years

I’m too choked up on tears

Or was it actually fears?

I can’t breathe

Garner couldn’t gather his breath in 2014

It was that cops job to suffocate on scene

He was protecting and serving like a heartless machine

I can’t breathe

Neither can Breonna Taylor after a misplaced raid

For innocently resting after EMT work a price was paid

Shot 8 times causing her light to fade

I can’t fucking breath

Ultimate action for non violent crimes

Cops choked out George Floyd as he lay their confined

Joining the pantheon of those murdered in these times

I can’t breathe

When it’s okay to kneel on black America’s neck

But lord willing we must keep Kapernick’s knee in check!

How dare he stand for equal respect

I can’t breath

Because I’ve lost count of the cases

So many situations so many places

Just to breath while black sours their faces

I can’t breathe

Because I was sentenced at birth

My melanin determined my worth

Just who are you to judge me on Earth?

I can’t breathe

because I have to teach my son to hold his tongue and hold his breath

One wrong word could mean his death

But even when he complies his life could be stolen by racist theft

I can’t breathe

Because black America doesn’t know whether to vote or fight

Either could. cause execution on sight

But am I supposed to live in fright?

I can’t breath

The hands of racism threaten my life

Where their could be unity they cause only strife

This is the reality of the black man, always under the knife

I can’t breathe

-Poetic Ice

the spoken word form of this can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpwQdzihmw4


Can I live?


Can I live as you do

Can I breathe the air too

Is okay to let me be?

Why is it a crime to just be me?

Everyday I wake up to a new headline

The cops were called to stop a crime

The charges are starting to stack!

Your ass is guilty of being black

I’m guilty of being black?

Because of my melanin I’m under attack?

I’m just trying to study here, how is that wrong?

This is just a new verse in the Jim Crow song

I don’t owe you an explanation, you’re causing a disturbance

I’m calling the cops as a form of white reassurance

You threaten me, dark one who did not wave!

Having you arrested is the only way we’ll be saved

Saved? More like send me to an early grave/

You called the abusive, bold, and the brave

I know all cops aren’t bad, but some fear me

I did nothing wrong can’t you see!

You presence is wrong, why are you in this Waffle House?/

You’re causing havoc you degenerate louse/

I can only assume you’re here to deal drugs and gang bang/

Bet you won’t be so insubordinate when those gun shots rang!/

Why is this escalating what did I do?

Does it bother you that I do the same activities as you?/

I’m just trying to live my life!

Your start to make me wish I brought my knife!/

What was that nigger? You making threats!/

You should’ve stayed on your corner shooting dice and making bets!/

You better not move, your existence I do detest/

Don’t make me break you nigger, you’re under arrest!/

You’re gonna arrest me for being black?

You’ll kill me for fighting back!

If I raise my voice I’ll be choked

If I ask for help, those would be the last words I spoke/

You damn right, you don’t belong here!

I’ll kill you to go home safe, not out of fear!

I’m calling for back up you are a danger

Nothing good will come from your black anger!

What emotion do you expect me to have?

This will be all over social media and you clansmen will just laugh!

I’m not even allowed to exist

It is rage, when you can be killed for not trying to resist!

got your call for back up, detain this nigger

I don’t trust his shadowy figure!

He has a gun! Fire all your rounds

Don’t stop until he’s lying there making those gasping sounds!

Check his gagging corpse, look for the drugs!

I got nothing, plant some around the slugs

Another job well done/

Be sure that in the report we say he had a gun

Murdered for being black

Just add the file to the growing stack

I will go unnamed and unheard of

My soul forced to float above

Can I live as you do?

Can I breath the air too?

Is it okay to let me be

Why is it a crime to be me?

Poetic Ice


What Do You See?


Mr. Policeman what do you see

When you see my African-American skin wrapped around the soul within me

Is something in melanin that tells some not to serve & protect?

Or is it simply a different skin tone you reject?

Do you see that I’ve been robbed?

Or do you see us committing robbery as a mob?

Can you fathom an interracial love on your surveillance tape?

Or is it just a blond haired Blue-eyed rape?

Have you seen a Negro reach for their ID?

Or do you empty your gun just cause, turning them into human debris?

Have you seen my compliance & hat I’m unarmed?

Or do you blindly abuse & murder me to save yourself from imaginary harm?

Will you ever understand why we continually protest?

Or do your eyes behold unpatriotic anarchy & civil unrest?

Do you carry the weight of a mother’s tears when her baby dies?

Or do you rejoice like the Lord answered your cries?

Can you understand that the Black has been raped by the blue?

Or is this the only way of life you see as true?

My unlabeled soul ask all you labelers I see,

Mr. Policeman, What do you see?

-Poetic Ice



I Spy


I Spy with my little eye

Cell Phone footage depicting a young man die

Video of a people yelling WorldStar!! Instead of Why?


I Spy with my little eye

Tiny Cameras making violence a spectacle to see

With cheap data plans it’s damn near for free


I spy with my little eye

A society in need of rebooting

Especially after the addition of 9 more angels after a church shooting


I spy with my little eye

A world desensitized to acts of vulgarity and malice

A world where to many focus on achieving suction on their phallus


I spy with my little eye

A world where the youth are stolen and slain

A sick act that leaves families forever in pain


I spy with my little eye

A world ripe with sin

Sin that transcends the limits of the color of skin


I spy with my little eye

Tiny Cameras that capture the distrust of law enforcement

Showcasing the individuals of police brutality endorsement


I spy with my little eye

Fear and uncertainty in the worlds little eyes

All asking is this the day one of my friends dies?


I spy with my little eye

A world sick and deranged

And I ask you cell phone camera, is it too late for us to change?


Poetic Ice

