
I Can’t Breathe

I can’t breathe

And I haven’t been breathing for years

I’m too choked up on tears

Or was it actually fears?

I can’t breathe

Garner couldn’t gather his breath in 2014

It was that cops job to suffocate on scene

He was protecting and serving like a heartless machine

I can’t breathe

Neither can Breonna Taylor after a misplaced raid

For innocently resting after EMT work a price was paid

Shot 8 times causing her light to fade

I can’t fucking breath

Ultimate action for non violent crimes

Cops choked out George Floyd as he lay their confined

Joining the pantheon of those murdered in these times

I can’t breathe

When it’s okay to kneel on black America’s neck

But lord willing we must keep Kapernick’s knee in check!

How dare he stand for equal respect

I can’t breath

Because I’ve lost count of the cases

So many situations so many places

Just to breath while black sours their faces

I can’t breathe

Because I was sentenced at birth

My melanin determined my worth

Just who are you to judge me on Earth?

I can’t breathe

because I have to teach my son to hold his tongue and hold his breath

One wrong word could mean his death

But even when he complies his life could be stolen by racist theft

I can’t breathe

Because black America doesn’t know whether to vote or fight

Either could. cause execution on sight

But am I supposed to live in fright?

I can’t breath

The hands of racism threaten my life

Where their could be unity they cause only strife

This is the reality of the black man, always under the knife

I can’t breathe

-Poetic Ice

the spoken word form of this can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpwQdzihmw4


Rain tears

Crying in the rain 

Only so I can scream with the thunder 

Set flames with the lightning

So my soul can be smothered with ashes

Vision clouded with the haze of storm clouds

My world shaken by deaths quake

Alive feeling like dying

Dying yet drawing breath 

A part of my heart beat

My essences and my DNA

Stolen from me in a horrific way 

I feel as ash is the worth of my soul

Forever feeling pain as sharp as lightning 

My heart howls with the despair of thunder

As I cry in the rain
-Poetic Ice


I Spy


I Spy with my little eye

Cell Phone footage depicting a young man die

Video of a people yelling WorldStar!! Instead of Why?


I Spy with my little eye

Tiny Cameras making violence a spectacle to see

With cheap data plans it’s damn near for free


I spy with my little eye

A society in need of rebooting

Especially after the addition of 9 more angels after a church shooting


I spy with my little eye

A world desensitized to acts of vulgarity and malice

A world where to many focus on achieving suction on their phallus


I spy with my little eye

A world where the youth are stolen and slain

A sick act that leaves families forever in pain


I spy with my little eye

A world ripe with sin

Sin that transcends the limits of the color of skin


I spy with my little eye

Tiny Cameras that capture the distrust of law enforcement

Showcasing the individuals of police brutality endorsement


I spy with my little eye

Fear and uncertainty in the worlds little eyes

All asking is this the day one of my friends dies?


I spy with my little eye

A world sick and deranged

And I ask you cell phone camera, is it too late for us to change?


Poetic Ice



Angel Sweet Angel

Angel sweet angel

your love will remain with me forever

you’ve returned home but our ties did not sever

I can feel you looking down from above

with tears in my eyes, I’m still happy to have known your love

My angel sweet angel

The lord has recalled one of his best

you deserve this blissful rest

This hurt will pass, another of life’s rain

happily flap your wings knowing we’ll overcome this pain

My angel sweet angel

Just know you’ll forever be missed

because of your presence the Heaven’s have been kissed

I’m glad your soul is now with God and pain free

You’ll forever be loved and missed auntie…




Pillow talk

The sheets are quiet tonight/
The heart heavy
The soul blackened like coal/
I hate being without your pillow talk that makes me feel whole/
The comforter is without so much as a whisper/
Leaving me with the memories of when I last kissed her/
The walls simply echo, you miss her/
I’m lost at sea on this bed/
The whispers of her name fill my head/
Her memories gently dance on her pillow/
Quietly as the wind whips the willow/
It’s too quiet, I miss her talk/
It’s a cold somber night without her pillow talk/



I’m looking for someone/
Maybe you could help me/
Something awful must’ve happened, what have I done/

See our lives were interwoven into loves rope/
A bond that was what I thought, sacred/
But seems I was wrong, is there hope?

Hope of your secrets to come to light?/
Will I once again earn a trust I knew not I lost/
Or have you declared war, is this a fight?/

If so brandish the blades, go in armed/
If you’ve turned on me, let the  bridges burn!/
I won’t be the only one harmed/

As you cut through our memories you will know pain/
A time when you need me will arise/
But you’ll be left bleeding out in the rain/

I wanted this fixed/
You chose to shun me/
Now my rage and sorrow are mixed/

I thought you lost, a person gone missing/
A person I could one day find again/
But I found only a snake hissing/

Poetic Ice


Insane sanity


It’s easy to be crazy, hard to be sane
A fact that rings true much to my disdain/
Oh the humanity
I’m trapped in my sanity
Life’s goal is for you not to be demented/
Not to give someone boots that are cemented/
Just to stay calm and chill
Don’t give in to the orgasmic urge to kill
Be noble, wear a cape like Bruce Wayne
Never be a Joker laughing at a blood stain/
Don’t ever let the blood smear
Hold you sanity very near
I’m wrapped in a straight jacket called society/
Where nut jobs and wackos get notoriety/
They walk loose, everyone is dangerous
Pushing the limits of Gore trying to be infamous/
Yet we are instructed, taught, trained to be sane/
It’s almost a sin to even complain/
Insane sanity, it’s not rare, actually commonplace/
Its almost normal to want to hatchet a face/
But if sanity is insane and insanity is sane/
Then, who is really in the straight jacket? The Joker or Bruce Wayne/
It can really bother the mind
Are you insane? Or sane with an axe to grind?/

Poetic Ice

Who really knows?



She is so confident in her arrogance
so full of hubris it’s pathetic
her pride blinded her to the modest truth
her walk is so beautifully grotesque
she inspires the gossip that we crave for
you know, the words we seek such as WHORE
her credo is her body is a temple
but the monks don’t worship there
because the once holy fountains spew liquor now
second hand smoke clouds her lungs
but her brain takes a long drage on stupidity
she so proudly claims no man will make her break her vow
the vow she made to God, but her fingers were crossed by Satan
Long before she said I do, she laid down with a few
but if anyone ask, she’s a virgin
who must be named Mary, but she wasn’t carrying Christ
the liquor caused her to miscarry her twins
Twins who shall be named hope and salvation
the loss of all redemption caused her to commit suicide
but she didn’t slit her wrist or overdose
she fucked away her life, sleeping with any able bodied man
until she caved in, and lay her head upon the chest of A.I.D.S
And slowly drifted away to a final sleep
But she will never rest in peace
her name will always be spoken among the masses
because she was the one girl who lied to herself and started taking shot glasses/
her story will be passed by word of mouth as a warning to girls
girls ages 16-21, because this is there possible story

poetic Ice

A poem I wrote a few years back, but will forever remain relevant. Girls don’t need to give up their bodies for attention and love, but they do it. It’s sad but continues to happen, so we must educate the ones who haven’t yet and let them know that this is not the way, sex does not lead to status in life. In most cases it will only lead to them receiving a derogatory title from their peers. Sex can wait young ladies, and drugs and alcohol are not a prequisite to be known to the world around your, or to hide your pain… Ask for help if you need it, never try to drown or smoke it away.
