
Light and Dark

The darkness within the light

Ever present ready to break the surface with fright

It’s never far away

Always there, every single day

You thought you were a hero

The world reminded you that your worth is zero

So the darkness is strong

Ever proving the light is wrong

You tried to pray to those above

Lamenting that you wish you were full of love

Wishing your prayers keep the Gods fed

But the crushing pain in your chest tells you God’s dead/

The darkness is ever devouring

Swallowing you down into acid ever scouring

Fist unclenched, loss of will to fight

The darkness has surrounded the light

All light starting to dim and fade

The luminescent swan song is being played

The darkness is all there is, all there will be

The light within dampened, trapped for all eternity


Can I live?


Can I live as you do

Can I breathe the air too

Is okay to let me be?

Why is it a crime to just be me?

Everyday I wake up to a new headline

The cops were called to stop a crime

The charges are starting to stack!

Your ass is guilty of being black

I’m guilty of being black?

Because of my melanin I’m under attack?

I’m just trying to study here, how is that wrong?

This is just a new verse in the Jim Crow song

I don’t owe you an explanation, you’re causing a disturbance

I’m calling the cops as a form of white reassurance

You threaten me, dark one who did not wave!

Having you arrested is the only way we’ll be saved

Saved? More like send me to an early grave/

You called the abusive, bold, and the brave

I know all cops aren’t bad, but some fear me

I did nothing wrong can’t you see!

You presence is wrong, why are you in this Waffle House?/

You’re causing havoc you degenerate louse/

I can only assume you’re here to deal drugs and gang bang/

Bet you won’t be so insubordinate when those gun shots rang!/

Why is this escalating what did I do?

Does it bother you that I do the same activities as you?/

I’m just trying to live my life!

Your start to make me wish I brought my knife!/

What was that nigger? You making threats!/

You should’ve stayed on your corner shooting dice and making bets!/

You better not move, your existence I do detest/

Don’t make me break you nigger, you’re under arrest!/

You’re gonna arrest me for being black?

You’ll kill me for fighting back!

If I raise my voice I’ll be choked

If I ask for help, those would be the last words I spoke/

You damn right, you don’t belong here!

I’ll kill you to go home safe, not out of fear!

I’m calling for back up you are a danger

Nothing good will come from your black anger!

What emotion do you expect me to have?

This will be all over social media and you clansmen will just laugh!

I’m not even allowed to exist

It is rage, when you can be killed for not trying to resist!

got your call for back up, detain this nigger

I don’t trust his shadowy figure!

He has a gun! Fire all your rounds

Don’t stop until he’s lying there making those gasping sounds!

Check his gagging corpse, look for the drugs!

I got nothing, plant some around the slugs

Another job well done/

Be sure that in the report we say he had a gun

Murdered for being black

Just add the file to the growing stack

I will go unnamed and unheard of

My soul forced to float above

Can I live as you do?

Can I breath the air too?

Is it okay to let me be

Why is it a crime to be me?

Poetic Ice


Finest Hour


Finest Hour

We have long since left our world’s Finest Hour

Due to our beings reveling in corruption & Power

Our world is now being made devoid of truth

Hearts are too easily lead to commit murders like Dylan Roof

Pride, Justice, & Decency is clearly on the back burner

Since young people commit heinous rapes like Brock Turner

Every day now is a blood covered sight

Because people have been battered, beaten, & executed before Miranda Rights

Our youth’s Brains are clouded in smoke, faces in phones

Even peaceful police protest become gruesome warzones

In recent history, our youth is yet to experience a world at peace

As violence & war persists, life is soon to cease

The world is lacerated, needs to be healed by love

We need to make peace more than the elegant imagery of a dove

We’ve too long been at war with politics, media and self

Led by leaders whom by any means seek out wealth

In a world where spilling blood is as good as currency

A desensitized world where violence, unless to self, doesn’t instill a sense of urgency

The self-realization of mortality is coming too fast

We shouldn’t have to calm crying babies who feel today may be their lasts

Some will wonder when the world turned so sour

Sadly, It always was, mass media just updates you every hour

Therein lies the vector for infection

Don’t believe me? Just do some reflection

The powers that be use it to perpetuate a stigma

They cry for peace & justice, but promote war and injustice, Hypocritical Enigma

You’ll always hear of the cop killing of a cafeteria

But never go the one fired for talking to the man filled with hysteria

The real reason Stephen Mader was canned was for not making the kill

Is violent deaths & Sadness the only thing churned out by this media mill?

Not always, but mostly because it gives them power

The power to keep us disjointed, weak, & only able to cower

I see the state of my world and simply glower

With a burning desire to turn back time to our world’s finest hour

  • Poetic Ice

Spectres and phantoms


The inner city sky is set ablaze by the firefly orbs held within/
Quiet strangled the streets/
Only faint echoes of automotive ghosts wail in the distance/
One can smell it, the sky will cry soon/
That’s when the spectre will hunt/
Cloaked in the blue Laws, he prowls/
Shining his light on all that is fowl/
Ready strike with ferocity in the night/
Full of bravado, pride, and yes fright/
Scared of what he may or may not have to do is the spectre’s life/
But his prey, the phantom, has his own strife/
He must straddle the thin line of evil and good/
Fill the flame-riddled streets with bacteria, or live peacefully misunderstood/
Some of the phantoms will spread their outbreak, sending the Spectre into a frenzy/
His fear will cause all phantoms to wear the guise of am enemy/
The misunderstood will lose their innocence/
The spectre will lose his benevolence/
And the bacteria now takes prevalence in the once peaceful inner city streets/
No longer can the phantom walk them and feel safe/
No longer can the spectre feel capable without force/
No longer quiet are our streets under the flames/
Soon the sky will cry as we deflect the fallen names/
Oh what I wouldn’t give to just have those skies set ablaze again/
One without the spectres and phantoms living in sin.

Poetic Ice


I Spy


I Spy with my little eye

Cell Phone footage depicting a young man die

Video of a people yelling WorldStar!! Instead of Why?


I Spy with my little eye

Tiny Cameras making violence a spectacle to see

With cheap data plans it’s damn near for free


I spy with my little eye

A society in need of rebooting

Especially after the addition of 9 more angels after a church shooting


I spy with my little eye

A world desensitized to acts of vulgarity and malice

A world where to many focus on achieving suction on their phallus


I spy with my little eye

A world where the youth are stolen and slain

A sick act that leaves families forever in pain


I spy with my little eye

A world ripe with sin

Sin that transcends the limits of the color of skin


I spy with my little eye

Tiny Cameras that capture the distrust of law enforcement

Showcasing the individuals of police brutality endorsement


I spy with my little eye

Fear and uncertainty in the worlds little eyes

All asking is this the day one of my friends dies?


I spy with my little eye

A world sick and deranged

And I ask you cell phone camera, is it too late for us to change?


Poetic Ice


world observations

Things Vet Techs Don’t Like Vol. 6


It’s the Christmas season guys and gals, so happy holidays first and foremost. Now that the holiday cheer is out of the way, let’s address the apparent month long psychosis that has affected the people in our current society. No I’m not about to go on a political/cultural/racial rant. I’ll stay grounded in the Veterinary world. A world full of mixed nuts.


Okay, do you guys see the picture above. Take a long look at it. Have that image internalized yet? That is what a vet tech sees when there is an extremely aggressive dog in the examination room that doesn’t want to be there.  I call it the death lunge, either you move out of the way or it’s game over. As veterinary professionals we understand the aggressive pet. It’s probably fear aggression. That’s fine. we can take things slow and if necessary a muzzle will need to be used. In extreme cases chemical restraint becomes an option. It’s for the protection of everyone in the room so we can all go home happy and in one piece. When we pull out muzzles because Jack the Ripper has decided to rend our flesh from bone, don’t go ape shit crazy on us because of your dog’s behavior. Either your dog is untrained or has fear issues. either way it wants to kill and we want to live. Yelling at us saying that we are choking or suffocating your dog is just fucking stupid. I’m sorry but you took me there. It’s fucking dumb. Proper restraint does not choke your dog, and a muzzle doesn’t suffocate. DOGS BREATH THROUGH THEIR NOSES LIKE WE DO!!!!! Get the heck outta here with that foolishness! This one notion alone drives Techs insane!


2. Hey Doc, I Need A Refill, I Know I Said I Didn’t Yesterday, But I Do Today. Right Now Actually. No I’m out completely…. for real…..

So, I know I went to public school. It may not have been ivy league status, but my preschool teacher taught me this magical thing called counting. It was a skill that I have used EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Apparently this skill is a lost art for many of the clients of veterinary clinics. When your pet is on chronic medication you are in the vet office often for monitoring and or refills. Well if you come for a routine monitoring visit and the Vet Tech and DOCTOR ask you do you need a refill of said medication, we are honestly asking you this. This is no trick or game we are trying to play. We figure you know the inventory of medications in your home and know when you need more. I guess we are wrong to think this. If you say that “I have plenty of medication, I don’t need anymore right now doctor” we believe this fact. We’re not the ones medicating your pet you are. Why should we not believe you. So when you call us less than 24 hours later and say you need a refill of said medication and you need it ASAP because if Fluffy doesn’t get it they break out in hives and become a lycanthrope by midnight, we become confused and pissed off. YOU KNEW YOU NEEDED MEDICATION YESTERDAY!!! If you’re in the building we can fill the script, if you call it in most likely there is a policy in place such as give the doctor 24 hours to fill it because the doctor has actual work to do such as see patients, save lives, run a damn hospital, etc. Now you’re irate on the phone and complaining about service when we tried to service your ass yesterday! Well you wait on your damn medication that we will fill, and pray your werewolf doesn’t take too many lives in the process.

(Lycanthrope=Werewolf for people who don’t want to use Google lol)


3. Secret Keepers

These are the clients who act like they have something to hide when they make there appointment. They schedule Red for vaccines and get off the phone with a maniacal laugh to themselves. They start rubbing their hands together and in a deep menacing voice proclaim, “I’ll also bring fluffy and Sam along for annuals, and anal glands muahahahahahahahaha!” Or At least that’s what I imagine. All we as veterinary professionals ask is that when you make an appointment, make it for all that you require. It doesn’t hurt our feelings to work. It pisses us off when you add multiple things at the last friggin minute. If you show up for a dental cleaning, don’t add a billion mini mass removals that you are only getting for aesthetic purposes! You know not the wrath of a vet professional scorned, but that is the quickest way to earn it.

Now that’s all, enjoy your holiday, go have fun, and for the love of all that is only keep your pets out of the emergency clinic!

Happy holidays

Poetic ice


Gift of Love

There is no time like now/
The present to present our presence/
A presence of love and Yule tide cheer/
Where none of us live in fear/
We all embrace our fellow man/
Not bolster a nationality or skin tan/
Accept one and all as human/
Knowing we are flawed, we are men/
Just beings in search of love/
A quest ordained from those above/
The time is now people, join this happy holiday/
Spread not hate, but love each and every way/
Seek not the need for violent acts/
None are justified, and that’s just facts/
Give the gift of love, that would be nice/
It’s free of charge, filling, and melts the ice/
The ice around a malice filled heart/
It may not fix the world, but it’s a good start.

Love one another people, happy holidays

Poetic ice


Insane sanity


It’s easy to be crazy, hard to be sane
A fact that rings true much to my disdain/
Oh the humanity
I’m trapped in my sanity
Life’s goal is for you not to be demented/
Not to give someone boots that are cemented/
Just to stay calm and chill
Don’t give in to the orgasmic urge to kill
Be noble, wear a cape like Bruce Wayne
Never be a Joker laughing at a blood stain/
Don’t ever let the blood smear
Hold you sanity very near
I’m wrapped in a straight jacket called society/
Where nut jobs and wackos get notoriety/
They walk loose, everyone is dangerous
Pushing the limits of Gore trying to be infamous/
Yet we are instructed, taught, trained to be sane/
It’s almost a sin to even complain/
Insane sanity, it’s not rare, actually commonplace/
Its almost normal to want to hatchet a face/
But if sanity is insane and insanity is sane/
Then, who is really in the straight jacket? The Joker or Bruce Wayne/
It can really bother the mind
Are you insane? Or sane with an axe to grind?/

Poetic Ice

Who really knows?

Original Stories

Sacred Swords Novel Giveaway!


Hello Heroes,

As you know I write poetry as well as original stories. Sometimes short in length others are novel length. One of my moat Sacred is my novel Titled Sacred Swords. Its a young adult fantasy fiction novel based in modern times. It’s the story of two college students who were on their spring break together during their senior year. They go from normal students to finding out they are descended from God’s and destined to defend the world from a force of true darkness and his physical manifestations of the Seven Deadly Sins. Armed with their Sacred Swords Hurricane, and Soliel they set out to master their newfound abilities and prevent the world’s destruction, all while passing finals. College life is a difficult one.

I’m actually doing a giveaway from now until 9/27 although I may extended it. It’s a simple process. Just go to my Facebook page for the novel, like it, and post something that truly makes me laugh. That’s all, I want to laugh as much as I want you all to enjoy my writing. No gimmicks or purchasing of anything necessary. Just make me laugh and you get a book that I hope you enjoy and share with others

Make me laugh here–> http://www.Facebook.com/SacredSwords

Poetic Ice, aka LeTavious Hemingway

(The winner will be notified and info will be exchanged for the book delivery then.)

world observations

Robbery in the 1st Degree

Robbery in the first Degree. A term that I didn’t want to ever apply to my life. My wife and I had our home robbed by two despicable men when we left to go to the gym. It was a simple 30 minute workout that resulted in the theft of my Laptop that contained all my novels and my wife’s Xbox.

My parents just happened to be coming by to see us and caught the guy leaving our home. He gave a fake name most likely, “Bill”, and said he was checking to see if anyone was in the home because the door was open. He ran off before my father could question further or detain him. We’ve never felt so violated. My grandmother’s home that EVERYONE in my family at some point has lived in was violated, vandalized, and stolen from. My wife and I don’t even feel safe in here anymore. Every little sound we hear is a call to action now. Before this when I get up the first thing I reached for was my phone, now I reach for a dagger.

I’m filled with this newfound unfiltered rage. Its taken me on a roller coaster that at each up and down is a new violent act enters my mind. I can’t stand this new side of me. I was never a naive child, but that last wall of naivete has finally crumbled down into a dust of slight paranoia and rage. The laptop was a gift from my wife, the Xbox was a gift from my mother-in-law. The peace of mind was a gift from God and it was ripped from us forcefully by a pair of subhuman men That lacked the work ethic to earn their own things in this world. I have so much new rage and hate for a pair of people I’ve never even seen.

We are victims of burglary in the 1st degree, the only difference in that and home invasion is the fact that we weren’t home. I can only thank God that my wife wasn’t home alone…. Robbery is a crime punishable by law. It is the theft of personal items, peace if mind, and sanity eventually because it’s a violation. If you know of a crime report it. If you know anything about this crime report it to Conway Police Department in Conway South Carolina.

Report crimes, don’t commit them. That’s just my 2 cent on my world around me.

Poetic Ice, LeTavious Hemingway
