
5 minutes to slip into Darkness 

5 Minutes to slip into Darkness
It’s now 1:25

I guarantee if you haven’t by now you won’t make it out alive

i’ve done my best

to keep the darkness at rest

but i can’t help but unleash him to have fun

he’ll rip and rend the fabric of reality until it comes undone

as my older brother would say, it’s a murder-death-kill-homicide

but why think so small when it could be a hate crime-assault-genocide

one such as my darkness could bring the human race to extinction’s brink

and when he’s done he’ll just gently wash his hands in the sink

I know you may wonder how words such as these come so easy

you never realized that my nice side just makes me queasy

yup it’s official i switched over

the world has no luck even if you have a silly clover

i’ve tried to deal with the world as an agent of light

now the world will have to deal with me as an agent of fright

now it’s 1:30

Humph, and by the time you read this I hope your soul feels dirty.
this is the result of a bad day……a fall from grace

a desire to take your face

and simply put it in it’s place………. under my timberland.
-Poetic Ice


A Bit Off

Something is a bit off
I am slightly out of my cran-I-um
But I don’t really see the pro-b-lem
But do you I ask?
Tell me what that is
C’mon there is no harm in spea-king
Isn’t control over my choices what you’re see-king
Is it that bad that when you see me you see-king?
Or is it you’re trying to stop your invite to my Carn-I-Val
Cuz you’re a meal for the cerebral Carn-I-vore!
Go ahead and enter there’s so much more
Get over stimulated by my mind
Take it all in and leave blind.
Or just blinded by my cre-a-tivity
I promise you’ll get the full worth of your free admission
For the amount of you that lose sanity I get a commission.
Hahaha I guess something is a bit off
Because I achieve true sat-is-faction from throwing you off!

-Poetic Ice


Off kilter

Something is a bit off
I am slightly out of my cran-I-um
But I don’t really see the pro-b-lem
But do you I ask?
Tell me what that is
C’mon there is no harm in spea-king
Isn’t control over my choices what you’re see-king
Is it that bad that when you see me you see-king?
Or is it you’re trying to stop your invite to my Carn-I-Val
Cuz you’re a meal for the cerebral Carn-I-vore!
Go ahead and enter there’s so much more
Get over stimulated by my mind
Take it all in and leave blind.
Or just blinded by my cre-a-tivity
I promise you’ll get the full worth of your free admission
For the amount of you that lose sanity I get a commission.
Hahaha I guess something is a bit off
Because I achieve true sat-is-faction from throwing you off!


Insane sanity


It’s easy to be crazy, hard to be sane
A fact that rings true much to my disdain/
Oh the humanity
I’m trapped in my sanity
Life’s goal is for you not to be demented/
Not to give someone boots that are cemented/
Just to stay calm and chill
Don’t give in to the orgasmic urge to kill
Be noble, wear a cape like Bruce Wayne
Never be a Joker laughing at a blood stain/
Don’t ever let the blood smear
Hold you sanity very near
I’m wrapped in a straight jacket called society/
Where nut jobs and wackos get notoriety/
They walk loose, everyone is dangerous
Pushing the limits of Gore trying to be infamous/
Yet we are instructed, taught, trained to be sane/
It’s almost a sin to even complain/
Insane sanity, it’s not rare, actually commonplace/
Its almost normal to want to hatchet a face/
But if sanity is insane and insanity is sane/
Then, who is really in the straight jacket? The Joker or Bruce Wayne/
It can really bother the mind
Are you insane? Or sane with an axe to grind?/

Poetic Ice

Who really knows?

world observations

Robbery in the 1st Degree

Robbery in the first Degree. A term that I didn’t want to ever apply to my life. My wife and I had our home robbed by two despicable men when we left to go to the gym. It was a simple 30 minute workout that resulted in the theft of my Laptop that contained all my novels and my wife’s Xbox.

My parents just happened to be coming by to see us and caught the guy leaving our home. He gave a fake name most likely, “Bill”, and said he was checking to see if anyone was in the home because the door was open. He ran off before my father could question further or detain him. We’ve never felt so violated. My grandmother’s home that EVERYONE in my family at some point has lived in was violated, vandalized, and stolen from. My wife and I don’t even feel safe in here anymore. Every little sound we hear is a call to action now. Before this when I get up the first thing I reached for was my phone, now I reach for a dagger.

I’m filled with this newfound unfiltered rage. Its taken me on a roller coaster that at each up and down is a new violent act enters my mind. I can’t stand this new side of me. I was never a naive child, but that last wall of naivete has finally crumbled down into a dust of slight paranoia and rage. The laptop was a gift from my wife, the Xbox was a gift from my mother-in-law. The peace of mind was a gift from God and it was ripped from us forcefully by a pair of subhuman men That lacked the work ethic to earn their own things in this world. I have so much new rage and hate for a pair of people I’ve never even seen.

We are victims of burglary in the 1st degree, the only difference in that and home invasion is the fact that we weren’t home. I can only thank God that my wife wasn’t home alone…. Robbery is a crime punishable by law. It is the theft of personal items, peace if mind, and sanity eventually because it’s a violation. If you know of a crime report it. If you know anything about this crime report it to Conway Police Department in Conway South Carolina.

Report crimes, don’t commit them. That’s just my 2 cent on my world around me.

Poetic Ice, LeTavious Hemingway



The world broadcasts insanity/
We have been thrust into calamity/
Peace, rare.
Violence, common
Riots happening
Looting our ties to humamity/
Selling it on the chaotic black market/
The world is burning with a flame we can’t see/
A blaze that will disintegrate you and me/
Men, women, black, and white/
Asian Latino, European, all living in fright/
Wondering if their brethren is next up for senseless slaughter/
Just to be beheaded in the streets as useless fodder/
Shot down in cold blood/
It’s amazing the world hasn’t drowned in this crimson flood/
Death visits all stages of life/
Babies have died at the hands if the car and heat’s knife/
Mothers and fathers claimed by insanity murder their kids/
Mercenaries taking lives for the highest bids/
A grown man kills a boy and roams free/
A woman fires a warning shot at abuse and jail is where she be/
Everyday is filled with new threats/
Just trying to survive your morning commute is a risky bet/
The media broadcasts all this insanity/
Until it’s normal to be consumed with calamity/
It hardens your heart living in this world/
The violence is starting to own this world/
Are we at the point where we’re all insane?/
Has chaos finally broken through order’s membrane?/
I’m sick of all the calamity/
It’s delving my mind into insanity/

Poetic Ice
